Wait, have you noticed it? Oh…yes! The cool fall morning breezes are here. So what better to do than to go out to my favorite writing place and enjoy all nature has to offer. I do enjoy watching the season change it never amazes me how beautiful nature can be.
With the turn of the season comes the inspiration of creativity. I can always count on the fall season to bring me to a happier mindset. Mostly as I no longer have to feel like if I look outside I’ll break into a sweat, thank you crappy desert summers. Now all we need to get under control are the west coast fires so I can run without my EIB acting up.
Sometimes you feel stuck like you are spinning your wheels and trying as hard as you can to no avail. But after so long either you will remember you took the advice of someone wise and you keep a bag of kitty litter in the trunk for just such an occasion or your AAA assistant hooks you up with a tow. You can say I’m taking my kitty litter out of the trunk and going full speed towards my fall destinations. Some of them familiar and some completely unknown so I’m full of butterflies and excitement.
First up on deck is of course the wonderful yet somewhat controversial Inktober. I hope people can look past the people part of it and just come together as a creative community to do what we do best, which is to create and inspire.
Second up to finish my watercolor flower series! Thank you to those of you who have offered your support and encouragement. I’m happy to report I’m roughly half way through. You know what they say you can’t rush art! So thank you again for your patience.
The third is to get my stuff together and make good on some promises at this point that are seemingly empty on my Behalf. I will before All Hallows’ eve get the updated single file Spencerian principles worksheet together and in addition a minuscule alphabet practice guide. These will all be at the same size as I’ve been practicing for enlarged execution. You could always tweak the print size for a more realistic approach but I suggest getting the knack for the muscle memory movement down with the larger practice before adjusting the size to a more accurate representation of your final handwriting.
And last but not least (who else still feels weird starting a sentence with and?) I am venturing into a wonderful world of putting a portfolio together and getting some no nonsense real world advice on selling my work. You’ve always got to believe you can do something especially true of the things you want to pursue in life. I want to do more paint work so why not jump into it feet first. So I figured I may as well take some action to back my fine positive thoughts.
Are you venturing into anything new this autumn?
Practice this week was again a blast with the new smaller size I feel it gives me a teensy bit more control over the letterforms, yet I still notice some movements are a bit too rough and not as soft and cute and round as they should be. But like the Robinson’s we just have to “Keep moving forward”. In review, I definitely need to figure out if I’m supposed to take the letters to the x-height or not as in the other practice books most of the minuscules were a lil’ bit shy of touching the x-height. And now on this new size they go right up to it. Short of the bout of confusion that I’ll save you from reading I feel really happy with the practice and how much fun I am going to have for the rest of the year. With the upcoming practice books.
Wish me luck in not burning out tackling so many adventures simultaneously. The first step is to believe in yourself. Which thankfully I do, I’m ready like that little yellow square sponge guy.
I hope that in combination with nature’s crisp fresh fall air I have inspired you to take a risk or a new path you haven’t been on in a while or ever before. Until next week, Happy Practicing!