Do you remember the last time you saw something, figured it looked easy enough, attempted it and failed miserably?
Good news, it means you tried and if you are stubborn enough, like myself, you try it again and again until you get it looking acceptable to you. The funny thing is that you may not be happy with it but to everyone else around you, they see how hard you work on the thing(s) your working on and how much progress you’ve made. I once wrote “the work you do matters even if only to you” Just keep at it, it is worth it.
Today I had an opportunity to write a sentimental condolence and address an envelope to a family that has experienced a loss. To me, this feels like the exact reason I have been pursuing this hobby of mine. It feels good to provide beautiful comforting words to those who need them. Speaking of, I am excited to send my first letter to a recipient in need in May. A shout out to Lindsey at the ThePostmansKnock she suggests for judgement free practice write to real people at MoreLoveLetters A wonderful website created by a group dedicated to supporting strangers in their time of need.

Except for the fact I need to try this one a few hundred more times I persevered through this practice session. The first o is real nice I’m totally happy with it. After the first, the chain starts to go down hill real quick. The most I’ve chained the o is in words like too or choose. I’ve been so used to putting these minuscules together I figure I’d have it nailed down by now. Challenge accepted little o.
Whatever you do and fail at just smile and keep trying. I can tell you if you are determined enough you’ll succeed. It all just takes time.
I wish you luck in your practice, until next week happy practicing.