Knowing that the times are foggy and no one knows when this ridiculousness will end we’ve got to find a way to stay positive. So what’s a person to do but share some love to those who are feeling a little extra down. I sat down this week to make letters for those on the More Love Letters site. This marks my second month in participation, it is a way for me to forget about the petty woes of myself and try to bring a little spot of bright and cherry happiness to someone who needs it. It is also a selfish way to practice making art without judgement and practice my letter writing skills and calligraphy. Regardless of the reason, I love how it feels to send these letters off to their recipients knowing that the words in them may help put a smile on their face. I have always loved the quote “if you see someone without a smile give them one of yours” smiling can be as contagious as laughter.

I think and I could be wrong because my memory doesn’t always serve me right but this post marks my one year anniversary post! Looking back it is hard to believe I’ve been writing about my practice or lack there of for one year (on the 27th) and I couldn’t be happier. I know there are things I’ve written about I’ve not gotten to like consolidating and re-working my Spencerian principles drill sheets or making good on my word of creating a minuscule alphabet practice sheet. These are all things that I will be working on in time, like when timing seems right and affords me the opportunity. It is also a wonderfully nice feeling, hell an accomplishment if you will, to have been able to write to you (even though it is mostly a journal of sorts on my practice) for one whole year.

Moving right along into the usual weekly practice portion of this post. This week was the letter c, which is just an e with a slight modification. This is where I am confused as I’ve seen it drawn out quite like a normal looking c but this practice book has me making an altered e letterform. It follows though the same modified e in the New Spencerian Compendium that I regularly reference. So I believe what I’ve been seeing as a regular c is much more prominent in Spencerian business hand, probably for legibility for all of those not so well versed in looking at Spencerian hand. Or maybe because it is too much like an e? The little u’s I’ll call them ¼ space below the x-height are literally throwing me through a loop while writing them. Much more practice is needed for me to perfect this rebellious minuscule.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns feel free to reach out with them. I welcome discussion of anything handwriting or lettering related or art in general. Perhaps this will be the year where I alternate posts or even combine them betwixt my writing, practice and watercolor pieces. Looking forward to next week already, until then. Happy Practicing!
Congrats on your one year. Today is my one year of watercoloring anniversary. That’s really cool of you to write people letters. I’ve been doing that with postcards and watercoloring. I’ll have to check out that site. Hope all is well with you!
Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I’ve been following along with your progress more or less whatever you’ve been sharing and I can’t wait to see what you do this next year. Come to think of it I can’t recall my watercolor anniversary. That’s cool that you’ve been sending the postcards. I believe we just got one recently from you too, thank you. I would love it if more people participated in the more love letters program. Keep up the practice!
I’ve been practising calligraphy for about a year too, and I picked Spencerian as well, but when it comes to flex nibs, I find that I can’t get the same splotches that I see in so many exemplars. Well, I guess more training’s in the works. Thanks for sharing your journey!
That is awesome, keep up the practice. Sometimes I feel like I’m not progressing at all and other days I feel like what I’ve put on paper is the best thing I’ve done to date. If you’d like to drop an example of what splotches you’re referring to in an email or a DM on Instagram I’d love to assist if I can.