A week without practice

Quite the contrary if I do say so myself. I have been rather busy this past week (hence this short but sweet post), I know that prioritizing my learning should be at the forefront of my day to day but just because I’m not practicing my Spencerian doesn’t mean that I’m not learning.

In a nutshell I have taken a couple of skillshare courses on typography, typesetting and layout, re-read through a couple sections of Butterick’s practical typography started handwriting a quote a day on the gram, tested out some handmade nib holders made by my talented woodworking pop and made a poster-board sized project for a baby shower (I can’t share it cause it hasn’t happened yet, you can see the finished project on my Instagram after this Saturday night).

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I know that doesn’t really help when I’m breaking a commitment to myself but on the other hand I feel quite accomplished and overall really good. Better in fact than I have in a while now. So moving forward I’ll keep my momentum going by being project oriented like scheduling the time to make these blog posts each week on Thursday nights.

If you are working on anything you are excited about i’d love to hear about it, let me know in a comment below.

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