Have you ever thought well…If I just had that specific type of paper, or those top of the line markers, or a ruler, yeah—then I’d really be able to crank out some great work. I just see everyone else using X brand and they have such clean lines, oh maybe if I finally just sucked it up and splurged on the newest I-product my art would be next level. Please stop thinking like this, you are setting yourself up for disappointment.
Either way, just remember tools do not the artist make…
So to give you a breakdown of the above image.
- Straight Edge of some kind—AKA the ruler I use this for, yep you guessed it making lines mostly straight lines. Honestly I need a new one but it does the job so it gets to stick around.
- Calligraphy Nibs—I have quite the assortment probably the most suggested on the internet and one of my favorites to start with would be the Nikko G nib. It’s versatile, sturdy, takes a beating from those starting out trying to figure out how much pressure it takes to make a nice down stroke heavy handed beginners.
- Nib Holder—I prefer to use the straight nib holder over the oblique, to each their own you know I do highly recommend trying both you’ll never know which you prefer if you don’t try both. Check out this 2-in-1 for a reasonable price.
- Last but not least, Paper—I can’t think of any one thing that made my learning experience any more difficult than trying to use thinned out fountain pen ink on a regular piece of copy or lined paper. Yes, it works, but it bleeds like a stuck pig and the paper almost acts more like a sponge than that yellow square dude on TV. I suggest Rhodia’s dot pads. I pick mine up now at Michael’s cause they stock it there for a real reasonable price compared to paying shipping to get it for a similar price and having to wait for it to ship from a neighboring state.
- Ink—Yes, it is pictured above it’s just invisible. Jokes aside grab up a Sumi or really anything labeled calligraphy ink Dr. Ph Martin makes some good ones and I find that Daler Rowney makes some nice flowing not too thick artist acrylic inks. If you want to try with a fountain pen ink due to cost, by all means jump on it but beware that they are usually thinner and can run around the page like toddlers at the park. Calligraphy ink is really what you want it tends to be a tad thicker and more well behaved when playing with paper. If you end up with one thick enough you may not have any issues using regular copy or lined school notebook paper.
I have trouble speaking sometimes, I feel as if I walk on my tongue. So if something above doesn’t make sense, or you feel I left something out feel free to reach out to me. I welcome the discussion with my fellow artists.
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