A month into Fall and as luck would have it, it is starting to feel more like winter. Curious as last week I could swear I was reading that we were supposed to have a mild winter. Lovely how unpredictable Mother Nature can be. I will take this cold weather over the 100+ degree heat of the wonderful Las Vegas valley Summers. You can always put more clothes on, it seems to be frowned upon to continue removing them however.
The next post will be in the highly anticipated month of November! Now that I am finished up with Inktober 2019 and going over these Spencerian principles I now have the opportunity to start working on my next project. I’m not sure about you but I like to line up work to keep myself busy and in a creative flow. If you ever get stuck in a rut or feel uninspired, I recommend working through it. Do that hard thing you don’t want to do today, you will thank yourself later. It is so easy to take a break that lasts a few days too long, right?
Spencerian principle #7 the capital stem. Which measures — Height 3 spaces; height of base oval, 11/2 spaces; length of oval, 21/2 spaces; slant of oval 15 degrees. Executed beginning 3 spaces above the base line, descend obliquely with a slight left curve 11/2 spaces; transitioning into a right curve, form Spencerian principle #6 the reversed oval on a slant of 15 degrees, with its lower side touching the baseline & its upper curve rising 11/2 spaces above base line, ending 1/3 space from descending line and 1/4 space above the x-height. Still easier done than said.
Here is the link to download the final Spencerian principle #7 practice sheet. Let me know in a comment below, or a DM on Instagram if you used any of these I’d love to get your feedback on them and thank you for taking the time to use them.
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