It’s been a week that’s for sure. What are you doing after work?
I officially started Inktober I also started up Mab’s Drawlloween. I think so far this year I’m enjoying Drawlloween the most as it has become something that we are doing as a family each evening after dinner. Who doesn’t want to spend more time with their family? I have to say that the things my children are coming up with are so unique I’m nearly jealous of their confidence and ability to draw without fear of criticism and judgement. What do you expect? Ma and I are too supportive of our little up-and-coming artists. Apologies for the proud dad moment there…I’m also stretching myself thin to participate in another challenge by my favorite place to gather my art supplies jetpens. You can follow along with my progress on my Instagram or if you’re reading this farther down the road — well it’ll still be somewhere on my feed. As you can see below I have had some hands on experience with this principle and it really isn’t difficult to execute by any means. Much like the first and second principles. I mean short of keeping your hand steady whilst balancing on your ring and pinky finger to gently glide across the practice page.
Spencerian principle #3 the left curve. It is again made on the 30 degree connective slant, varying only in direction from its predecessor Spencerian principle #2 the right curve. Instead of a right bend downward and to the right edge of the page, it bows upward and is still drawn toward the right edge of the page. How curious that it would be called the left curve.
Examine the remaining minuscules of the alphabet like last week’s post and Spencerian principle #3 the left curve is utilized to write the following: a, d, g, m, n, o, q, v, x, y & z. There isn’t much else to say about this one it is one of the more simple principles to execute. That being said here is the spencerian principle 3 practice sheet if you’d like to follow along and learn with me — Happy practicing. Oh, and what ever it is that you want to do, no matter how difficult, or the lack of time you think you have (like Nike) Just Do It! Do that hard thing you don’t want to do today.
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Pingback: With eeee…nthusiasm – Learning my abc's all over again
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